Conference News







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Dear colleagues!


We invite you to take part in the IV Interdisciplinary Conference "Biologically active substances and materials: fundamental and applied problems of production and application", which will be held May 27 - June 01, 2013 in a comfortable place of the Crimea, in the Novy Svet.

Our conference is traditionally an effective interdisciplinary platform to bring together scientists and developers from various research institutes and universities, engineers and managers, industrial organizations and companies working in the development of technology, production and use of biologically active compounds and materials.


Effective and creative work and also warm friendly atmosphere are the hallmark of our conference. At the same time, the participants have a great opportunity to spend a few pleasant and unforgettable days on the southern coast of Crimea, to see the beauty of coastal landscapes and to feel the gentle warmth of the Crimean spring.



Here you can find the materials of the previous conferences  < see more info >





 Program and organizing 


 Purposes of the conference

 Main topics

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 Main dates

 Participation fee

 Place of the conference

 Address of organizing


 Program of the conference

 Conferences 2009-2011


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